Following the mass screening conducted in Sitges in 2022, led by the Hospital Residència Sant Camil and with the collaboration of the LGTBIQ+ Association Colors Sitges Link, the Sitges Town Council, and the Addictions, HIV, STIs, and Viral Hepatitis Department of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPCAT), the Alt Penedès-Garraf Health Consortium published an article on LinkedIn mentioning our association:
A study led by Dr. Sonia Albertos, a physician in the hashtag Digestive Service of the Alt Penedès-Garraf Health Consortium, was published this December in the journal Frontiers in Public Health. The study is titled “Large-Scale Screening for hashtag HepatitisC in Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) Using a Street-Based Saliva Test.”
The research was conducted in Sitges in 2022 during major LGBTQ+ community events. It focused on implementing a screening strategy for hashtag HepatitisC using a rapid saliva antibody test. A total of 1,249 adults participated in the study, with only four testing positive for Hepatitis C antibodies. However, none of these cases showed demonstrable viremia.
The results indicate that the strategy of performing a rapid street-based oral self-test for hashtag HepatitisC at mass events targeting men who have sex with men is feasible, well-accepted, and could be a useful strategy for reaching other populations at risk of Hepatitis C infection.
The project was led by the Hospital Residència Sant Camil in collaboration with the LGTBIQ+ Association Colors Sitges Link, the Sitges Town Council, the Addictions, HIV, STIs, and Viral Hepatitis Department of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPCAT), and volunteers.
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