Colors Sitges Link collaborates with the 26th of December Foundation from Madrid in organizing the I International Congress of LGTBI+ Seniors in Sitges.
The history of the LGTBI+ community, deeply marked by episodes of violence, repression, and discrimination, is also the history of the struggle for social change and the achievement of civil rights, advances without which contemporary Western democracies cannot be explained. The implementation of specific policies on affective, sexual, and gender diversity in recent years is the result of theoretical reflection and collective action over decades, and the generations that began this journey are the ones reaching old age today.
From the 26th of December Foundation and Colors Sitges Link, we consider the organization of this congress an opportunity to bring together different knowledge and disciplines. Our training initiatives entail cross-sectional awareness and an intergenerational and intersectional commitment. We believe that synergies, horizontal dialogue, and opportunities to share knowledge, experiences, and affections are actions carried out within the community. In this sense, we find it essential to frame the Congress as a way to weave networks, not only of knowledge but, above all, of affection.
The main objective of this congress is to bring together older LGTBI people, researchers, academics, intervention professionals, artists, activists, and community members interested in the experiences, challenges, and advances related to older LGTBI+ people.
Click on the image to view the program.
Registrations at this link
Saturday, September 28th, starting at 10:00 am.
Casino Prado Suburense, Carrer Francesc Gumà, 6-14, Sitges
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