The COBATEST Network links organisations across Europe who offer community-based voluntary counselling and STI/HIV testing (CBVCT) services and promotes testing, early diagnosis and linkage to care in at-risk populations.
The COBATEST Network now comprises 56 CBVCTs in 26 European countries and 2 Central Asian countries
Colors Sitges Link is member of this Network, and our member Simon Randerson presented his candidature to be member of the Steering Committee.
After the process of elections we are very proud and happy to announce you that Simon Randerson has been elected as a new COBATEST Steering Committee member for the term 2022-2024.
The COBATEST Network is currently going through a process of change. An interesting and challenging period is ahead of us in which your active contribution will be highly appreciated.
Simon has been the driving force behind our rapid testing service and is a vital volunteer in supporting local and visiting community with HIV.
Simon has been an example of commitment and fight in defense and support for people living with HIV.
We sincerely believe that Simon can contribute to improving the Cobatest Network and contribute his great knowledge on the subject.