Activities for the 17th of May

2024-05-07T22:23:44+00:00May 7th, 2024|Día internacional de la lucha contra la LGTBIQ+fobia, International Days|

International Day Against LGBTIQphobia. May 16, 6:30 PM. Santiago Rusiñol Library. Book presentation: G (Ginsbergian Reveries) by the poet Manu Fandos. May 17, 6:00 PM. March from Pla. City Hall [...]

The demands from the 17M in our ballot box

2023-08-10T19:16:55+00:00August 10th, 2023|Present, Día internacional de la lucha contra la LGTBIQ+fobia|

On May 17th, we celebrate once again the International Day Against LGTBIQ+phobia. We return to our Pink Triangle, that reminder of the events that took place in Sitges in 1996. [...]