Sitges Town Hall Square joins the commemoration of LGTBI+ Pride Day

2024-06-26T10:50:10+00:00June 26th, 2024|International Days, PRIDE|

Sitges Town Hall Square commemorates the LGTBI+ Pride Day this Friday, June 28, with the reading of the Institutional Manifesto at 12 noon in the Town Hall Square. The event [...]

Official Colors Sitges Link special PRIDE solidarity t-shirt

2023-06-06T16:41:23+00:00June 6th, 2023|Present, PRIDE|

[:es]Camiseta solidaria oficial CSL especial PRIDE[:CA]Samarreta solidària oficial CSL especial PRIDE[:en]Official Colors Sitges Link special PRIDE solidarity t-shirt.[:fr]T-shirt officiel de solidarité PRIDE de Sitges Link.[:]