Collaboration with the residence Les Magnolias

2024-11-13T15:44:05+00:00November 2nd, 2024|Present, Campaings, Colors Sitges Link, Programa Gent Gran, Services|

On October 30, we had a productive meeting with Gemma, the social worker from Las Magnolias residence, to bring our project "No More Closets" closer to more elderly LGTBIQ+ individuals [...]

”No més armaris” Project: An Essential Service That Continues

2024-10-09T15:21:57+00:00October 9th, 2024|Present, Programa Gent Gran|

The "No més armaris" project, co-financed by the Fundación Obra Social La Caixa, has been a fundamental pillar in providing support and assistance to people over 60 years old in [...]