World AIDS Day 2024 Schedule
Actions 2024: Talk and Dance: The Silence of an Indelible Mark As part of the events for World AIDS Day (December 1st), we invite you to an afternoon of reflection [...]
Actions 2024: Talk and Dance: The Silence of an Indelible Mark As part of the events for World AIDS Day (December 1st), we invite you to an afternoon of reflection [...]
This year, 2024, we are repeating the activities and events we organized for Sitges Pride 2024. From interactive exhibitions to inspiring talks, practical workshops, and games. Join us! There are [...]
As part of the activities planned to commemorate the International Lesbian Visibility Day, Cineclub Sitges, together with Colors Sitges Link, premieres the film Blood Lips, directed by Rose Glass, starring [...]
This year, Lesbian Visibility Day is filled with activities. At Colors Sitges Link, El Punt R de Ribes, L'Esquerda de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Aquelarre Cultural de Sitges, and Rainbow [...]
Are you over 60? Can't find someone to go on walks with? We suggest walking once a week through different landscapes in Sitges, exercising, making friends, sharing time, and having [...]
Manifesto of the Generalitat, endorsed by Colors Sitges Link. December 1st, World AIDS Day, is an opportunity to remember the HIV pandemic and show our support to all those affected. [...]
We understand that for some people it is still challenging to talk about this topic, that it is difficult to integrate it and make ourselves visible. That is why we [...]
Would you like to start speaking Spanish with like-minded people? If you are new or speak a little Spanish you can join our Spanish sessions at Colors Sitges Link. The [...]
[:es]¿Te gustaría aprender, por fin, catalán o mejorar tu nivel? Si eres principiante o ya hablas catalán puedes unirte a nuestras sesiones de catalán en Colors Sitges Link.[:CA]¿Te gustaría aprender, por fin, catalán o mejorar tu nivel? Si eres principiante o ya hablas catalán puedes unirte a nuestras sesiones de catalán en Colors Sitges Link.[:]
The Circle of Diverse Colors is Born A space for conversation and support among diverse individuals In the Associació LGTBIQ+ Colors Sitges Link, the Circle of Resilient Men (living with [...]