Record attendance and record takings for a weekend of literature, music and visibility of our group and our association in Sitges

Last weekend, starting on Friday and continuing until last Monday, the events that Colors Sitges Link organised to celebrate our Pink Sant Jordi took place, on the occasion of the festivities of Book Day and Lesbian Visibility Day, respectively.

The CSL Pink Sant Jordi stand: something never seen

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The Sant Jordi stand was an unprecedented success, both in terms of attendance, participants and volunteers, and, of course, in terms of fundraising, which broke all the records in the history of our association. Already since the second-hand book collection campaign “Forgotten Books for Adoption” it was clear that something good was in store for us this year, since it turned out to be very productive in record time.

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The immediate response of the volunteers to the call to set up the stall and take turns was of equal magnitude. In less than three days, everything was setup and ready, under the expert gaze of our members and volunteers manager Martín Martín, who once again demonstrated his spirit and good manners, coordinating the staging of the event.

We would like to thank all the volunteers, and since we don’t want to leave anyone out, here is the list of them: Caroline, Fernando, Isidre, Javier, JM, Martin, Andrew, Simon, Pedro, Montse, Alberto and Val.

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Thanks also to our guest authors this year, for their participation in the stall and in the Literary and Electronic Pink Vermouth round table. Thank you Carlos Cubeiro, Prado G. Velázquez and Robert Monzonis, it has been a privilege to have you with us and we hope this has been the first of many more opportunities.

Literary and Electronic Pink Vermouth

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And at this point we link up with the fantastic Literary and Electronic Pink Vermouth: an event that will be talked about in Sitges a lot and very well for years to come. Already the day before we predicted a success in terms of audience, since early on Friday morning there were no places left in the web reservations, which, let’s remember, had a maximum capacity of 80 people at the same time.

Finally, the list of attendees (fully controlled by our team of volunteers) amounted to a total of 140 attendees throughout the entire event, which lasted about four and a half hours in total and with a very remarkable reverse box office collection. Once again, we thank the authors for coming once again to our round table, masterfully moderated by our reference linguist and translator and great friend, as well as a member of our association, Fernando Almeida: it is always a real pleasure to be able to count on you, your wisdom and your know-how. Thank you sincerely. Thanks also to our fantastic readers who made the entire audience shudder with their performances. Thanks to Brandon Jones, Martin Lewton, Montserrat Esquerda, Jaume Aldabo and Javier Iborra. A pleasure to count on your talent.

Here we make a very important point. Thanks to the Communication Team of Colors Sitges Link, for their unparallel creativity and sense of well thought-out and well executed work. With such a good team it is impossible to fail. Thank you Jesús, thank you Pilar and thank you Martina for your work and your dedication. Without you it would not have been possible. And special thanks to Javier Iborra, our secretary and secretary of the Societat Recreativa El Retiro, without whom this would never have been possible: for the management, for his hard work and his brilliant ideas. You are amazing, Javier. To Pilar, as Dj Pilar Cordero, doubly grateful for that spectacular session of incredibly good music.

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And thanks to the great team of volunteers, for coming for “two hours” and staying for the entire event, helping in everything we could need and more. Thanks to: Federico, Marcos, Aitor, Michael, Joan, Jonatán, Carlos and David. And thanks to our fellow board members Martín Martín, Valetjn Pot and Montserrat Esquerda for always being attentive to what may be needed at all times. Thanks to our treasurer Joan Parellada for his wise advice and accurate budget management. To our culture spokesperson Isidre Roset, for being there, and to our president Pedro Martin for believing in this project and encouraging us at all times.

Presentation of the book “La ciutat de Vilageltrú”, by Montserrat Esquerda

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Despite the fact that on Sunday morning everything indicated that perhaps the weather was going to deprive us of this event, half an hour before the start the sun decided to accompany us and allow the presentation of Montserrat Esquerda’s book “The city of Vilageltrú” to take place. Colors Sitges Link collaborated in the organization of the event, together with the Instituto de Estudis Penedesencs and the Societat Recreativa El Retiro, and the Gardens were filled with people wanting to know this editorial novelty that revolves around the literary routes that can be done in the city of Vilanova y la Geltrú. L’Ángeles Parés, Lluís Jou and Montserrat talked for an hour about everything that the book suggests, motivates and about how it was conceived and what it represents in Vilanova’s bibliography. Thanks again to the CSL colleagues for their involvement.

Lesbian Visibility Day at the exhibition “Stones: Old women without closets”

To conclude, on Monday April 26th , International Lesbian Visibility Day, we had the great privilege of attending the reading of our Manifesto for Lesbian Visibility, from the inner courtyard of the Santiago Rusiñol Library, and surrounded by the photographic exhibition “Stones: Older Women without Wardrobes” by the photographer MJ Garrido, facilitated by the FELGTB, in the voices of our colleagues and friends Maria Bebis and Paola. Thank you María and thank you Paola for always being there with so much willingness and so much enthusiasm to do well.


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As a final note, it is worth saying that this has been the starting point for a new stage of openness, conciliation and resilience in this association of ours. We were born to create a community, and now that we have created and consolidated it, we can proudly say that the Associació LGTBIQ + Colors Sitges Link is the helping hand of the LGTBIQ + community in Sitges.

With pride and satisfaction: Jose Roldán “Roldy”
Communications Secretary of Colors Sitges Link, Associació LGTBIQ +

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