As part of the transformation of Associació Colors Sitges Link and part of the commitment made to our community and to our partners, the process of implementing the identity groups has been under way for weeks.

It is a slow but sure process, and from which, we are sure, new ideas and projects will emerge that will make us improve and grow as an association, but above all, they will increase and improve the services and activities that our LGTBIQ+ collective benefits from.

We are happy to inform you that the “Colors LBT+ women” group is already underway, a diverse group that has come with a lot of energy and momentum. The “Families of Colors” group is also underway, to which you are invited to participate all those people with children, future fathers and mothers, diverse families… Another of the pending subjects was the group “Trans Colors” that, finally, is underway and that has very powerful activists from our Vila.

And one of the groups that our members are most concerned about is the LGTBIQ+ elderly group, in which we are working and which we hope will see the light of day very soon.

We continue!

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