Sitges Orgull Cultural 2020
From 10 September to 11 October 2020
The Gay Sitges Link LGTBI Association has been organizing Cultural Pride for 8 years. Sitges Orgull Cultural is a program of vindictive, social and cultural activities. We want to make known aspects of our history and discovering the LGTBI culture of Sitges.
Sitges Orgull Cultural gives us the opportunity to collaborate with cultural organizations, artists and workshops in Sitges. The aim of the Association is to make LGTBI culture visible and to promote social aspects through culture and the arts.
The celebration of the Cultural Pride 2020 has had to be moved and adapted to the dates of September 10 to October 11 due to the global pandemic of COVID-19 that we still suffer.
All activities can be followed through social networks and the face-to-face ones are adapted to the gauging decreed by the health authorities and to the PROCICAT self-protection protocols.
We thank Núria Corretgé, an artist from Sitges, a friend and member of our organization, for making the graphic image of this 2020. We extend this gratitude to all associations, public and private institutions, facilities, friends who make it possible this 8th edition of the Sitges Orgull Cultural.
A very special, different, diverse and vindicative edition.
We claim our Cultural Pride!
We claim our diversity!
We claim our role in Sitges society!
VISCA Sitges and Long Live the Cultural Pride!
Ajuntament de Sitges
Sebas Martin
Joan Escofet
Biblioteca Santiago Rusiñol
Fundació Enllaç
Cine Club Sitges
Atelier Blanca de Nicolás
Alpe Conceptes Plastificats
La Pelos
Martin Lewton
Adriano Silanus
El Taller de Núria Corretgé
Museus de Sitges
Eloi Biosca
Txema Romero
Encara en Acció
Galeria d’Art Àgora 3

GIRL a film by Lukas Dhont
In collaboration with Cine Club Sitges
Cinema Prado.
Carrer de Francesc Gumà, 6-14
We celebrate the existence of gender diversity and demand respect for and equal rights for Trans people.
‘Girl’, a Belgian production by director Lukas Dhont, which won the ‘Certain Regard’ section of the Cannes Film Festival with four awards: The Golden Camera for Best Premiere, the Critics’ Award, the Queer Palm to the best LGTI film and the Best Actor Award for the amazing Victor Polster at just 16 years old.
‘Girl’ introduces us to Lara, a 15-year-old girl, in the body of a child, who will do everything possible and imaginable to make her dream come true. Become a dancer. The efforts and sacrifices she has to make are not an obstacle for her. Lara knows that she is a woman and that she wants her body to adapt as quickly as possible to her reality.
Presentation of the film by:
Maria José Ramírez, a volunteer from Gay Sitges Link, the proud mother of a trans boy.
Tickets on sale online
VOSE. original version subtitled in Spanish.

Catalonia’s National Day.
Participation in the institutional act of Floral Offering at the monument to Doctor Robert, Plaça de l’Ajuntament, Sitges.
We invite you to take part in a celebration that has become the most important civic event and where Sitges organizations and associations are the protagonists.

Sitges Rainbow Route
Tickets on sale online
Member price: € 8 / non-member: € 10
Capacity: 10 people
Buy your tickets in these links
Saturday 12 September 11am
Saturday 19 September 11am
Saturday 26 September 11am
Saturday 3 October 11am
Saturday 10 October 11am
An essential route to know the LGTBI history of Sitges. Guided tour offered in Catalan, English and Spanish.
Do you want to know the gay history of Sitges and what is hidden behind its most emblematic buildings and behind the works of art in the street?
We offer you a guided tour that explains, with a different perspective, why Sitges has become the first gay paradise in the Mediterranean.
We will take you to unique places and show you the footprint of artists and famous people who have left Sitges throughout the 20th century.
We will invite you to a glass of Cava in the LGTBI center of Sitges (C. Joan Tarrida, 1, 1st 2nd) and we will finish our route in front of the first monument against homophobia in Spain.
The meeting point to start the visit is in the square of the Sitges train station (Sitges Tourist Information Office, Plaça d’Eduard Maristany, 2).
Guided visit to the Exhibition in English: “The naked man. Stripping the archetypes of masculinity ”.
An exhibition that proposes a journey through the male nude through the collections of the Network of Local Museums of the Diputació de Barcelona. An open look at the theme of the human body and male nudity.
The exhibition brings us closer to the theme of the male nude, from a feminist perspective that vindicates gender equality and the diversity of gender identity, sexual and affective.
Guided tour in English.
Free with prior reservation
Capacity limited to 10 people per group.
Maricel Museum (Rocamora Room)
More informationa and reservation of your place in this link

Conference “Claim of the naked. Beauty, sex and transgression in art ”by Eloi Biosca, homoerotic artist.
Organized by: Consorci del Patrimoni de Sitges. Museums of Sitges
Around the exhibition “The Naked Man”, this conference delves into male nudity from the perspective of an artist who has worked on various technical aspects such as photography and video.
Blue Hall of the Maricel Palace, access to the Giants’ Gate, free entry, limited capacity.
It can also be followed on Instagram
Prior booking at

SATURDAY 19 SEPTEMBER, 11 – 12.30pm
Print your LGTBI Totee bag
Workshop where you can print your bag with simple printing techniques and get to know the graphic processes in the workshop of the artist Núria Corretgé.
Capacity: maximum 8 people
20€ if you come with your bag
25€ bag included
Place: El Taller C / Sant Sebastià 32, Sitges
Prior registration required:

“Exhibition: The Naked Man. Stripping the archetypes of masculinity “
Guided tour in Catalan, with Txema Romero, curator of the exhibition, director of the MAC.
An exhibition that proposes a journey through the male nude through the collections of the Network of Local Museums of the Diputació de Barcelona. An open look at the theme of the human body and male nudity.
The exhibition brings us closer to the theme of male nudity, from a feminist perspective that vindicates gender equality and the diversity of gender identity, sexual and affective.
Free with prior reservation, visita en català i castellà
Capacity limited to 10 people per group.
Maricel Museum (Sala Rocamora).

“Memories in Resistance,” exhibition on the rights of LGTBI refugees.
Organize: Encara En Acció, coordination: Alejandro San Rafael
Creative Management & Direction: Míriam M. Salas, in collaboration with Aitor Fernández.
Patio of the Santiago Rusiñol Library,
Plaça de l’Ajuntament, 13,
Library Hours: Wednesday mornings from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 4 to 7:30 p.m.
“Memories in resistance” is a photographic project that takes them on a journey through 5 different countries, each starring stories full of courage and strength. Honduras, Mali, Russia, Cuba and Colombia are the countries of origin of our participants, through the personal elements that each of them gave us, we go through images, their stories.
Free entrance.

Event’s Hall
Miramar Cultural Center
Carrer de la Davallada, 12
Double SESSION-TALK claiming:
We claim the figure of Pepito Zamora. Explanatory talk on the figure of Pepito Zamora and explanation of the Pepito Zamora award by Isidre Roset
We demand the visibility of the Pink Triangle against LGTBIphobia in Sitges, by Alpe conceptes plastificats
Free entrance. It can also be followed on Instagram

Bisexual Visibility Day
Raising the bisexual flag at the association’s headquarters.
Gay Sitges LInk.
C / Joan Tarrida, 1 1-2

Exhibition and 4ª ART AUCTION for the benefit of the LGTBI Gay Sitges Link Association.
Agora Art Gallery 3
Carrer Nou, 20
Exhibition hours: afternoons from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Lot award: Saturday 26 at 1 p.m.
This year due to the pandemic situation for COVID-19 the poster is dedicated to Saints Doctors, Cosme and Damià. Work of J.M. Rosselló.

Storytelling and Natural Drawing Session
By La Pelos and Blanca de Nicolás.
At 19 H. by Instagram.
The famous Drag-Queen “La Pelos” while telling us a queer story will act as a model while Blanca de Nicolas makes a natural drawing. An experience full of art and fantasy.
Limited places with prior reservation at
It can also be followed on Instagram
Atelier de Blanca de Nicolas
Av. Vilanova, 43

Santiago Rusiñol Library
Plaça de l’Ajuntament, 13,
Talk and debate on the problem of LGTBI refugees in Catalonia
By LGTBI refugees from the organization “Encara En Acció” and the ACATHI Association
Thousands of LGBTI refugees have had to flee their country because of their identity or sexual orientation.
Feeling attracted to a person of the same sex or being trapped in a body that does not belong to them is reason enough for thousands of people to see their lives threatened in some countries.
Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals, Bisexuals and Intersexuals are tortured, threatened, imprisoned or even murdered for their sexual orientation or gender identity. Those who manage to escape to a country that allows them to be and love freely, become LGBTI refugees.
Free entrance. Limited places.
More information and book your place in this link

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 5:30 p.m.
In collaboration with the Cine Club Sitges
Cinema Prado
Carrer de Francesc Gumà, 6-14
On the occasion of the International Day of the Elderly.
Screening of the documentary by Adriano Silanus “Living together LGTBI. Shared and older housing. ”
Proposals for actions to support LGTBI seniors across Europe. This documentary will show us situations of loneliness, marginalization and the difficulties of being gay or lesbian in old age.
Free entrance.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 7:30 p.m.
In collaboration with the Cine Club Sitges
Cinema Prado
Musical “Everybody’s is talking about Jamie”.
Everybody’s talking about Jamie ‘a West End musical based on a true story and introduces us to Jamie New, a 16-year-old boy who lives in a social housing in Sheeld, UK. He doesn’t fit in very well and is terrified of his future.
With the support of her amazing and wonderful mother and surrounded by her friends, Jamie overcomes her prejudices, confronts her fears and emerges from the darkness to stand in front of the spotlight. This musical was recorded at the Apollo Theater in London, winning 3 WhatsOnStage awards and 5 Olivier Award nominations.
Tickets on sale on the Cine Club Sitges page. Tickets on sale online
More information also here

Talk “History of Gay Cartoons/comics” by Sebas Martín and presentation of his latest work.
Santiago Rusiñol Library
Town Hall Square, 13,
In this talk in Catalan, Spanish and English artist and pioneer of comics/cartoons gay Barcelona in Catalonia, Sebas Martin will explain the history of gay comics/cartoons worldwide and will introduce us his latest graphic novel “Todos los hombres del dibujante ”.
Free entrance. Limited places
It can also be followed on Instagram

For the first time, the Gay Sitges Link LGTBI Association is organizing this Festival.
A weekend with small-scale social performances and artistic activities adapted to the safety and prevention measures of COVID-19.
The first edition of the Mini Queer Fest will be directed by Martin Lewton, director of the Solo Barcelona festival!
On the GSL terrace and on Social Networks: theater, music, dance, and much more!
Tickets online
More information soon in this link

Coming out day. International Day Out of the Closet.
Demonstration day on social networks to fight for the recognition and visibility of the LGTBI community
Coming Out Day, is celebrated annually every October 11 as an international day of awareness about the human rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), emphasizing that the most basic and best form of activism, it is coming out of the closet in front of family, friends or co-workers, and living an openly LGBT life. The initial idea would have been based on the spirit of liberation that animated both the gay movement and the feminist movement (“the personal is political”).
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