Sitges Pride Activities 2024
This year, 2024, we are repeating the activities and events we organized for Sitges Pride 2024. From interactive exhibitions to inspiring talks, practical workshops, and games. Join us! There are [...]
This year, 2024, we are repeating the activities and events we organized for Sitges Pride 2024. From interactive exhibitions to inspiring talks, practical workshops, and games. Join us! There are [...]
During the week of Sitges Pride, Colors Sitges Link organizes various workshops, talks, and discussions on health, culture, and LGTBIQ+ realities. What is menopause? What are your symptoms? Is it [...]
During the week of Sitges Pride, Colors Sitges Link organizes various workshops, talks, and discussions on health, culture, and LGTBIQ+ realities. What is andropause? What are its symptoms? Is there [...]
During the week of Sitges Pride, Colors Sitges Link organizes various workshops, talks, and discussions on LGTBIQ+ health, culture, and realities. In this workshop, you will learn various techniques to [...]
During the week of Sitges Pride, Colors Sitges Link organizes various workshops, talks, and colloquiums on health, culture, and LGTBIQ+ realities. Come play the Thermometer at this bingo and take [...]
Within the framework of Sitges Pride. Exhibition from June 3 to 30. OPENING ON JUNE 6 AT 6:00 PM. ITINERANTAS is an exhibition of interactive photographs created by women living [...]
Presented by the trans women LGTBI activist, Candy Brightman. In this talk, Candy will discuss trans* realities, visibility, the daily challenges faced by trans* women in society, the importance of [...]
Valentina Berr (writer) will discuss with the public all those questions that trans people get asked and, most importantly, about all the questions everyone might be asking thanks to being [...]
Within the framework of Sitges Pride, Colors Sitges Link is hosting the presentation of the anthology of love stories... and much more, "We'll Get Married in Las Vegas and Other [...]
As part of Sitges Pride, Colors Sitges Link hosts a talk and presentation of the book, "LGBTWHA? A Guide to Understanding (Ourselves)" (Egales Editorial, 2024) by author Emilio López. LGBTWHA? [...]