The Sitges Queer Fest goes on! Thanks to the collaboration of many artists and entities who are pitching in this year to make sure the Queer Festival of Garraf can celebrate its 4th edition, despite the challenges it has faced along the way.

The entities collaborating in Sitges Queer Fest 2024 are: Casino Prado SuburenseAquelarre Cultural de Dones CreadoresClandestino PLAN,Sexualizados_asBnude Art Gallery, Everlasting Group, AgrupaBears Bar.

We’re giving you a sneak peek of the program:

The program is subject to change.


Casino Prado Suburense:

  1. 4:15 PM. Debate “Sexual Diversity in Cinema”.
    Participants: Mercè Espelleta (casting director), Marta Llucià (Her Female Communication Agency), Prado G. Velázquez (writer, actress, and president of Colors Sitges Link and Aquelarre Cultural de Dones Creadores).
    Organized by Casino Prado Suburense. In collaboration with Colors Sitges Link and Aquelarre Cultural.
  2. 5:30 PM. Screening of finalist short films (national, animation, international, and purple) from the 3rd edition of Femifilms Sitges, female-driven cinema. Register at this link. Organized by Casino Prado Suburense.
  3. 7:00 PM. Presentation of the book “I Want to Be Free! Queer Artists and Songs for Freedom and Respect”.
    Authors Núria Martorell and Francina Cortés will participate. Organized by Casino Prado Suburense. In collaboration with Colors Sitges Link.


Palau del Rei Moro:

  1. 12:00 PM. Colloquium & Vermouth: “Woke-washing in Modern Fiction.” Participants: Rubén Antón (queer historian and artist), Violet Ferrer (artist,, Prado G. Velázquez (writer and actress) and Lorena Gimeno (sexologist, sexualizados_as).

Bnude Art Gallery:

  1. 6:30 PM. Exhibition opening: “Après Queer, Collective Presentation” with the presence of the artists.

Artists participating:

  • Al Malenud
  • Cristina Capellades
  • Manuel Corrales
  • Aleksey Durnoy
  • NC Andersen


  1. Queer Varietés. Various artists (performance, music, drag queen). 8:30 PM.


Palau del Rei Moro:

  1. Queer Tango Workshop led by La Arrabalera. 10:30 AM-12:30 PM.
  2. Poetic music vermouth: “A cau d’orella”. 12:40 PM-1:30 PM. Participants: Glòria Bosch (poet and reciter) and Mariona Martín (singer and musician).

Bnude Art Gallery:

  1. 5:00 PM. Book presentation: “Love with Pride: How to Manage Emotions and Build Relationships Outside the Norm” by Adrián Gimeno.


  1. 7 PM – 9 PM. Colors Queer Talent. Queer artist competition (performance, music, theater, drag queen) with special performances. Participants: King G., La Pelos, Yeison Forero…

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