Tips for your Safety
The question of ensuring personal security, particularly for the LGBT community living in or visiting Sitges, was one of the pillars on which GSL was founded.
The most important element of all is that we are all conscious of our own physical space when we go out at night, and that we do not let anyone we don’t know encroach on our space.
Muggers often go around in groups of two or three and pretend to be happy Barcelona football club supporters. They will come up to you and put their arms around your shoulders and – without you realizing it – their hands in your pockets!
Lately, smartphone thefts have been their main attraction.
Last year most muggings were committed in the principal gay area in town, from San Bonaventura to Parrellades and along C/. Bonaire (gay area). So be particularly careful here.
At GSL we have made a leaflet in 5 languages which our Volunteers hand out around town during busy moments, you can also find it in bars, shops, restaurants and hotels.
Basically, we advise you to keep your wits and common sense about you, not to go into dark rooms with your wallets and mobile phones with you.
In the event that a robbing or a mugging happened to you, please report this to the police by phoning 112, as the facts on which they base their policing is only as good as the information they receive.
If a crime is not reported then it does not exist!