• Cantem Colors Sitges Rainbow Chorus

    Rainbow Chorus “Cantem Colors”

    35,00 / month for 6 months

    You like to sing and you like to be part of a diverse group of people singing (inter)national songs? Come and join us if you want to enjoy yourself and make new friends.

    You don't need to be a good singer but what counts is your willingness to learn to sing in a choir! We wait for you!! If you are a member or associate, it costs you € 25/month. Non-member price: € 35/month When you enter your user name and password, the membership price will be displayed
  • Would you like to start speaking Spanish with like-minded people? If you are a newby or speak a little Spanish you can join our Spanish sessions in Colors Sitges Link. Timetables Information session, October 2nd at 7:00 PM, at the Colors Sitges Link headquarters (C/ Joan Tarrida, 1, 1-2). Presentation of the course, dates, and schedule. The sessions will be conducted by our native teacher José Montero.
    Price: €75 in quarterly payment, exclusively for members of Colors Sitges Link.
  • Out of stock
    (Español) ¿Te gustaría aprender, por fin, catalán o mejorar tu nivel? Si eres principiante o ya hablas catalán puedes unirte a nuestras sesiones de catalán en Colors Sitges Link.
  • Would you like to start speaking French with people like you? If you are a beginner or you speak a little French you can join our French sessions at Colors Sitges Link. Quarter start: 22/04/12 End of term: 22/06/30 Schedule: Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Thursday from 12 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
  • (Español) ¿Quieres mejorar tu inglés en un ambiente divertido, donde puedas aprender diferentes cosas y también servir para ayudar a nuestra comunidad? En Colors Sitges Link estamos organizando sesiones de inglés para personas que quieran aprender o mejorar su nivel de inglés. 75€ en pago trimestral. Inicio trimestre: 03/10/22 Horario:  lunes de 12 a 13:30h